Frequently Asked Questions
What are entry criteria?
For the Herne Bay and Chelsea events you should have swum at least 1 km in open (i.e. ocean) water.
For the Bays and Rangitoto Swims you must have already swum the Chelsea Swim or an equivalent distance in open water.
If you are aged 16 years or younger we require the assurance of your parent or guardian that you have their permission to enter and that they believe that you are adequately prepared.
Note: ACMS has the right to decline any applicant if there are significant doubts about the entrant’s ability to complete the course.
What happens if the weather is bad?
If the seas are rough, and in consultation with our safety support providers, we may decide to cancel the event. While we will try to make this decision as early as possible, rapidly changing conditions could mean that the decision might have to be taken right up to start time.
How will cancellations be advised?
Cancellations will be advertised on this website, on our Facebook page and if time permits, the ZB Cancellation Service and participants will be emailed. Otherwise, entrants will be advised of late cancellations at the starting line.
Are there limits on the number of entrants?
For safety reasons and because we have to pre-order a finite number of timing chips we have to put limits on the size of the fields, we strongly recommend that you enter early online. We are limited by the availability of ferry seats for the Rangitoto swim
Is there a refund policy?
If you decide to withdraw due to illness, injury or, refunds will be made provided the request is made in writing (or by email) and reaches the organiser at least one day before the event, a $10 admin fee will be charged. If the event is cancelled then there will be no refunds, but ACMS (Inc) will donate the remaining funds once expenses have been met to swimming-related community groups.
How can I enter a race?
Enter Online. This is our preferred means of entry for ease of administration and you will get immediate confirmation that you are entered. You will need an acceptable credit card.
For those who are entitled to a concession entry you can enter the appropriate code during the entry process. Concession entries are only available to:
• Masters swimmers over 70 years of age.
• Some sponsors.
• Some event helpers
For those who do not have access to a credit card, find a friend with a credit card or:-
Contact acmharbourswims@gmail.com. You will be sent a PDF entry form to be signed and returned by email.
Payment can be made by direct credit to account 12 3011 0815487 00 putting your initial and surname as payee identification.
Alternatively you can mail the entry form and your cheque to:
Auckland Central Masters Swimming (Inc)
P.O. Box 78 046
Grey Lynn
Auckland 1245
Can I make a late entry?
Late entries will be accepted (subject to numbers) until registrations close on race day. A late entry surcharge of $20 applies.
How do I know I am entered?
Online entries will be confirmed with an email confirming your entry details. You can also login using your email and password anytime and check your online entry. If you enter via a manual entry your entry will not appear on line.
What is the pre-race registration for?
You MUST be at the start point by the advertised assembly time to confirm that you are taking part in the event. There you will issued with your official swim cap and your timing chip and will receive final safety instructions. ou will not be allowed to enter the water until you have registered.
What is the cut-off time for the race ?
We publish a nominal cut-off time as a guide only. Swimmers will be in the first instance towed back up to the field to give them the opportunity of completing the swim in rare cases a swimmer may be asked to leave the water before the cut-off time if they are significantly slower than the rest of the field and as a result are over extending our safety resources.
What is the cut-off time for pre-race registration ?
For safety reasons we will stop processing registrations shortly before the briefing starts. Briefing will start approximately 15 minutes before the advertised race start time
How do I get my gear from the start point to the finish?
We will provide transport for bags from start point to the finish. Please label these bags. You need to make your own arrangements for personal transport back to the start if required.
Should I wear a wetsuit?
It’s optional, but less experienced swimmers in colder water or competing over the longer events will find them useful for both warmth and buoyancy. Note that swimmers wearing wetsuits are not eligible for the main awards.
Do I need to wear a swim cap?
Yes. You MUST wear the swim cap provided when you register.
Can a support team accompany me?
No. For the safety of everyone involved private boats, canoes etc. are not permitted to approach competitors in the water.
Where do I find the race results?
The results will be available on the day and a link will be posted on this website shortly after the finish of the event.
How do I fit a timing chip?
Click here for fitting instructions.