
Auckland Central Masters is very pleased to confirm we will be partners with the Banana Boat Ocean Swim series in their swim from Rangitoto to St Heliers on November 26.
Under this arrangement we will be involved in the event and a sponsor for it with the Banana Boat Ocean Swim team also contributing to the ongoing voluntary activities of the club.
The club will also be running our usual late summer Rangitoto swim on Sunday 23 April.
We think this is a great outcome for swimmers – with the best harbour crossing in the country now available to entrants at both ends of the season. Put these dates in your calendar now!
We will update you shortly on planning for our annual Chelsea swim, which we are targeting for in the new year.
The Chelsea Swim
Sunday 5 February 2023
Click here for information
The Rangitoto swim

Entry Info
Online entries will close off at midnight on the Thursday before the event to allow for the logistics of timing chip setup.
Limited late entries will be available on the day subject to availability of chips. "spare" timing chip numbers will be limited so it is in your interests to enter online on time.
We will be confirming entry fees for both the Chelsea and Rangitoto swims shortly. 2 for 1 family entry is available for a parent and child under 16 subject to the Organisers being satisfied that both are adequately prepared. Contact the Event Coordinator for an entry code.
The "Club" swims associated with the Herne Bay and Chelsea swims (WaiWai shield, Molloy Shield, Osborne Cup and Mazzolini Cup) have been opened up to include all swimmers under 25 who are part of a recognised coached squad from either a swim club affiliated to Auckland Swimming, a Surf Club or a School squad.
The “Club” swims are handicap events and are for non-wetsuit swimmers only.

Your swim will be electronically timed using Timing Chips, it is important to ensure your details are correct at registration for Date of Birth and category you are entered into; Skins (Non Wet Suit) or Wet Suit. If you are using flippers or other forms of aids please ensure you let the registration know as you will be ineligible for trophies, however you are still eligible for spot prizes.
Should you lose your timing chip there will be a charge of $50 to replace it.
Please review the following, you are able to purchase a velcro strap form registration for $2 and retain it for all swims, it can be used for other events that have timing chips used.
For Disposable strap fitting click here.
For Velcro strap fitting click here.