Cathedral Cove Swim

Cathedral Cove Swim 2023- Saturday April 22.
This is an idyllic swim through a marine reserve from beautiful HaHei beach to the famous landmark of Cathedral Cove, and then back. Or enjoy the scenic walk or boat transporter there, and swim back.
Date: Saturday April 22
Location: HaHei beach, Coromandel, NZ
Briefing 10am
4km start: 10.30 am HaHei beach Entry:$50
2km start: 11.15am from Cathedral Cove beach. Entry: $35
Sponsors Cygnus Law, HaHei beach resort, The Pourhouse, Beach Cafe, Canon photocopiers, Cutshop, Barbados Ocean Swim Festival, Phantom Billboards.
Sunday April 23
Hole in the Rock Swim.
Meet 8am HaHei beach
This is a swim tour with stops. There will be a quick swim ocean talk giving ocean swim tips, a 40 minute walk to Cathedral Cove. Then a 2km swim which includes stops about every 600 metres. Swim goes through an epic cave to the other side! Swim and walk back. Bring tow floats. Entry: $30
Monday April 24
Waimama Why Swim
Swim Tour with stops.
Meet 10.30am end of Kon Tiki Rd, Whiritoa beach.
Bring tow floats and fins are optional.
Swim talk focussing on reading the beach conditions/body surfing. 2.5km walk and a stunning swim from Waimama beach. Cost: $30
All 3 swims: $95
Note: This is not an Auckland Central Masters swim, but one that we are happy to support.
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View results from Cathedral Cove Swim 2021 here.