Update On Our Ocean Swims
Rangitoto and Chelsea Swims on hold as we look at options for future seasons.
OUR SWIMSUpdate On Our Ocean Swims
Rangitoto and Chelsea Swims on hold as we look at options for future seasons.
OUR SWIMSUpdate On Our Ocean Swims
Rangitoto and Chelsea Swims on hold as we look at options for future seasons.
OUR SWIMSUpdate On Our Ocean Swims
Rangitoto and Chelsea Swims on hold as we look at options for future seasons.
OUR SWIMS2024 Harbour Swims / ON HOLD
Our thanks to everyone; swimmers, support crew, volunteers, followers and fans who supported our first swim in 2 years!
Please checkout photos on our Facebook page and your swim time here.

Alternative Swims
In the event of bad weather, we will always aim to run an alternative swim for each event on a more sheltered course. We will let you know of any change the evening before the swim by email and on our website.